Greetings Vacationers - New for the 1997 Season

Welcome to Planet Surfside and the beach. At seasons end we read all your comments about the house and have made some changes based on your recommendations. Over the years we have rented numerous beach houses for our vacations and usually have been dissapointed by the bare bones approach to beach rentals. We decided if we built a beach house it would be designed for comfort, ocean view and multi-family livability. With all the extras you would find if you built your own beach house. It has always been our goal to make this house one of the best on the beach with all the amenities to make the perfect vacation. Enjoy your week and please leave your comments in the guest book - we'd love to hear what you think about Planet Surfside. Michael & Donna Anderson & Family

Outdoor Shower
We've built a custom outdoor shower, complete with mirror, glass blocks and HOT water. There is a tall shower head for the adults and lower one to rinse off the kids. Please help reduce sand clogged pipes inside the house by using this new enclosed outdoor shower.

More TV's
Apparently after a full day of activities with all family members everyone was heading to the bedrooms for a little private quiet time before bed. Only three bedrooms offered TV's and those bedrooms were in demand, especially by the men with their itchy remote thumbs. Now all the bedrooms offer 20" stereo color TV's mounted high for easy bed viewing.

Sony Play Station
Parents this is for the kids, just in case you get hit with a couple of rainy days. Extra games can be rented for $4.20 for 3 days from Blockbuster Video at 803d Business 17 in Surfside Beach (238-9817). System is mounted in the kids bedroom and we provide one road race game.

New Paint
Although the house is only a year old we wanted the place to look great for your vacation so we had the interior rooms repainted.

No Smoking
We''re listed this year with Dunes as a
non-smoking rental house.

Weber Grill
We had a lot of guests who went to the hassles of providing their own grill so we purchased one for your use. It's located on the sand next to the new shower and we placed a downlight overhead for night use. The switch is located on the piling in the garage. Fire laws prohibit any grilling on the decks so please keep the grill on the sand and clean after use so it's ready for next weeks guests.

CD Player
Just in case you don't like the selections by the local DJ's our new five disk CD player will let you select the tunes. It plays thru all the surround sound speakers, just follow the directions on the stereo cabinet.

More Lights
As you will notice we're a little fanatical about lighting. We've added some additional halogens in the living room, along the hallway downstairs and some spots on the new wall prints. New lighting outside illuminates the outside beach stairs and the grilling area above the new Weber.

Cleaning Supplies
You're paying a lot to stay with us, the least we can do is supply you with a starter set of supplies. We'll include dish washer soap, laundry detergent, windex (although you don't need to clean the windows), and toilet paper to get you started on your week.

1311 B. North Ocean Blvd. • Surfside Beach, SC 29575 • Updated 2.5.99